The PENHA-Tropenbos International joint book titled ‘Dryland restoration and dry forest management in Ethiopia: Sharing knowledge to meet local needs and national commitments – A review‘ was launched at a three-day quarterly national workshop – ‘Towards a national dryland restoration strategy – the Ethiopia Dryland Restoration Platform (EDRP)’ held from December 16th – 18th 2021 at Desalegn Hotel, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The book has benefited from the contributions of the national and regional experts of the Horn of Africa.
Haile M, Livingstone J, Shibeshi A, Pasiecznik N (Eds.), 2021. Dryland restoration and dry forest management in Ethiopia: Sharing knowledge to meet local needs and national commitments. A review. PENHA, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and Tropenbos International, Ede, the Netherlands. 160 pp