Samara University(SU), The Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR)/The International Centre for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF) and The Pastoral and Environmental Network in the Horn of Africa (PENHA) have signed a tripartite MoU to work together so as to address the multiple challenges facing the pastoral and agro-pastoral communities of the Afar region.
The purpose of this tripartite MOU is to promote joint efforts in the operationalization of the regional drylands restoration strategy, joint resources mobilization and capacity building, undertaking joint analytical studies/research, training and staff exchange.

The signing ceremony, Samara, Afar Regional State, Ethiopia, March 17th 2023
The agreement has been signed by representatives of each party: Mohammed Usman(PhD) President, for Samara University; Dr. Ravindra Prabhu, Director General ad Interim for World Agroforestry for ICRAF; Ms. Amsale Shibeshi Regional Programmes Coordinator and Dr. Lulsegged Abebe chairperson board of trustees for PENHA; Dr. Robert Nasi Director General for CIFOR.
New produced by the Public and International Relations Directorate of Samara University. Source: click here.
Photo credit: Samara University